Experience Maps

Vazha-Pshavela Block VI in Tbilisi

We want to use the experience maps as a way to communicate with you.
By sharing your own view on your living environment we start to understand how you use your neighborhood on a daily basis.
We can start a conversation and find solution on how to improve existing problems.

Please use the map to draw or write what you like about your immediate surrounding.
Maybe you start with the map where you live? Or you share with us your favorite spots and show us how they can be improved.
We are excited to see what your ideas are and a curious to see if you all agree?

We will collect all your suggestions and we will prepare them for an exhibition at our office.
That way we can all decide together wich areas should be changed and how to address the challenges you identify.

You can either print the map yourself, or come by our office and pick one up.