Thanks for coloring the day!

We drew together the imaginary future of Vazha-Pshavela Block VI
On July 27, at 12:00, the Living Lab office was waiting for dear guests. We had to host the neighborhood kids! We were already stocked with colored pencils, markers, pastels, and paper to create interesting works. As the appointed time approached, we were getting more anxious. We knew many children had already gone out of town, and it had been raining heavily since morning. 
The anxiety did not last long. Demetre appeared at the door. Later, his younger brother and another Demetre joined us. We also hosted Anna and Tedo, who couldn't pass by our space indifferently and created many works with us.
On behalf of the Living Lab team, we would like to thank the children, their parents, and grandparents for coloring our day and sharing ideas and desires related to the development of the neighborhood!